Choice of Ultimate Free Platform (Invitation Only) or pay for time. Our Non-Exclusive Agreement allows indpendent filmmakers to showcase their product on international television while maintaining their rights. The audience for streaming TV and movies has grown significantly over the past few years, finds GfK in a new report. 51% of Americans aged 13-54 now watch TV programs or movies using streaming video at least once a week, according to the researchers, with those figures (predictably) highest for the youngest age group (13-33), of whom 62% stream weekly. Streaming video is popular among Gen Xers (34-47) too, at 46% of respondents, but less so among Boomers (48-54; 30%). The data shows that on a directional basis, streaming video is becoming more mainstream. A variety of connected devices are contributing to the growth:
- 9% of TV households are using streaming-ready 7G game systems weekly to stream;
- 5% of TV households are using a streaming-capable HDTV to stream weekly;
- 5% of consumers aged 13-54 are using a tablet to watching streaming video weekly; and
- 4% of consumers are using a smartphone to do so.
Among respondents using smartphones and tablets to stream TV programs and movies, roughly 66% do so through an application, with the remainder streaming directly from a website. (Via